Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A(nother) Trip to the Zoo

We met Lisa and her girls and Elise and Campbell at the zoo today. As usual, we had a fantastic time together, but we missed Cheryl, who had to work.

Judson's first try at a sippy cup. I'm probably way behind on introducing it, but whatever.

Ella and Campbell play so well together. She bosses (nicely) and he follows. =) It's hard to tell from their sizes that she's a little over two years older...

Elise and Campbell at our picnic

And then there's these two. Emilie is just as cute as she can be. Judson was so excited to be with her that he started clapping for the first time. =)

After our photo shoot, we were packing up our lunches and looked over to find this. Judson probably took poor Emilie out.

The babies enjoying their new-found love of finger foods while the big kids pet the goats... Emilie kept signing "more" to me and Lisa said that's the first time she's actually signed, so that was exciting.

Lisa and her girls

1 comment:

Hannah said...

How fun. It was a good day for a zoo trip. I can't believe how big Ella is. Holy cow!