Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today, in addition to my countless other blessings, I'm thankful that God protected Judson and me in a very dangerous situation.

It's been snowing like crazy here most of the day.  As soon as I put Cooper down this morning, I bundled up Judson (despite a lot of protesting...transitions are not his strong point these days!) and we headed out to play.  We'd only been out a couple of minutes when I heard this sickening cracking sound.  I knew a branch had just broken off, but before I could react, it crashed to the ground about a foot or two away.  I'm not exaggerating.  Some of the little branches on it touched me as it fell, and I even had one stuck to my hat.  It was SO SCARY.  My heart didn't quit racing for quite some time.  (It's probably a good thing I didn't have time to react.  If I'd moved the wrong way, I'd have a much different story to tell...)

Thank you, Lord, for our safety!

And later, after we were done playing and Judson was safely inside, I raced back out to take a few photos.

The cute Judson-playing-in-the-snow pictures will have to wait.  I MUST accomplish something during naptime!
Using my foot for comparison...

...and my hand

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