Monday, January 9, 2012

Big Bandon News

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you may have heard about the gray whale that washed ashore in Bandon.  (It was already dead.)  Of course we went down to check it out.  It didn't disappoint.  It was a bit stinky when standing downwind, but still so fascinating, especially the baleen.  Nate and Morgan went earlier in the day and took the first two pictures.  By the time we went, the tide was coming in and we had to look quickly and then run for dry ground.

Judson and my mom had lots of fun running around, and the beach trip ended with us running into my high school friends, David and Dianna Freitag, and their two kids.  I hadn't seen Dave in four and a half years and it had been even longer since I'd seen Dianna...I think since our wedding seven and a half years ago.  The best part was that my mom entertained the little kids so we could have a chance to chat.

Just protecting Cooper from the wind.  She does a lot of gasping when it's windy in her face. 

We looked away for a second and Judson found water to wade in, of course.
Love this one!

There's David and Dianna behind us.  I'm so glad they spotted me, because I wasn't paying any attention to who else was down there!  :)
** About a week ago, when we were reading stories before bed, we came to a picture of a beach.  Judson looked intently at it and then said, "Where is stinky whale?"  Pretty cute.

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