Tuesday, September 6, 2011

State Fair

Before I blog about the state fair, I suppose I should add a pregnancy update, seeing as how my due date is a measly THREE DAYS away and I've been getting all sorts of texts and e-mails asking how I'm doing.  So, here goes.

I'm still pregnant and feeling great!  (Though it is supposed to be in the low- to mid-nineties most of this week, so we'll see how I hold up... :)  I do get worn out pretty easily, which is hard, because Nate has been so busy working on projects that most days I'm in charge of Judson his entire waking hours.  I guess I need to get used to being exhausted though, right?

Anyway, I saw the midwife on Friday and she was pretty shocked that I wanted to be late.  She said no one's ever said that to her before.  She's really young, though.  I'm certain I'm not the only person who wants to be late.  :)  She checked me and said it looked like I probably would be late.  So, time will tell...

One other tangent before I get to the state fair.  Nate totaled his pickup a week ago.  He rear-ended someone who was stopped in his lane to turn on a big corner.  Thankfully Judson and I weren't with him and no one was hurt.  It's a crazy time to be down to one vehicle, but his brother Paul has a spare he's loaning us for now.  The other good news is that our twelve year old pickup was miraculously still worth $8000!  That's a little over half of what it cost brand new.  Praise Jesus for that!  (We also have "accident forgiveness" and no deductible, so that's another praise.) 

Now, on top of a chaotic house, a garage that feels like it's never going to get done (our tape and texturer has been MIA for days and he's about to get a piece of this pregnant lady's mind!), and a baby who will be here any time, we have to think about buying a car.  I know God's timing is perfect, though, so I will do my best to not freak out.  :)

Back to the state fair.  Finally.  :)  We invited my parents to come down two weekends ago because we figured it would be our only chance to go (we already had plans for Labor Day weekend).  We went late Sunday afternoon and had a terrific time.  Judson loved all of the animals and tried to pet as many as he possibly could.  He also loved the tractors and tried to drive as many as he possibly could.  :)  Here are some pictures of our very fun evening.

38 weeks pregnant...

Playing "Ring Around the Rosies" with Grammie.  Yes, she even falls down when she's supposed to.  :)

Ever the cooperative poser...

Sharing Grammie's ice cream

He even got to go on one ride.  My mom couldn't squish herself into the front, and as it turned out, I don't think he would've cared if he was on the ride all by himself.  He looked very serious the entire time, but loved every minute of it.  How do I know?  He was HYSTERICAL when he had to get off.  (It was way past his bedtime, which didn't help matters.)

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