Friday, August 26, 2011

Olallie Lake

This post is seriously belated.  I have no excuse.  Or maybe I do.  I'm thirty-eight weeks pregnant, have lots to do, and am running out of energy.  Judson pretty much takes every ounce of energy I possess these days.  Well, Judson and the heat.  Anyway.

Our third and final camping trip of the summer took place the first weekend in August.  We went to Olallie Lake with Mandy and Justin.  It's gorgeous, but out in the BOONDOCKS.  At thirty-five weeks pregnant, I didn't really enjoy attempting to sleep on an air mattress or having to get up off said mattress in the middle of the night to pee, but I survived and we did have fun.

Nate had recently bought a drift boat and was very excited to use it.  (A drift boat is basically a huge row boat.  The nice thing about it is that it's not tippy and has high sides, so we didn't have to worry about Judson falling out.)

**After spending forever uploading pictures, I somehow lost a bunch of them.  I have now uploaded them for a second time.  Some are out of order and the ones at the end are pictures from Mandy's camera.  I'm DONE dealing with this post.**

New chair from Grammie and Papa

The view of Mt. Jefferson as Nate rowed us across the lake so we could have the boat closer to our campsite.  Gorgeous!

First fish (of three total for the weekend)

Judson liked to say, "Hold you, fish!"
Hauling wood.  Good thing he had his blue sippy cup or he'd be invisible!  :)

He spent LOTS of time collecting pinecones and other things off the ground.+-

Everyone else went swimming on Saturday afternoon (well, Mandy waded).  I opted to stay dry and document the fun.  I was nearly eaten alive by mosquitoes in the process.  Ugh!

This boy sure loves water!

No matter how many times I cleaned his face, he'd look like this again within ten minutes. 

So tired!

He really loved Ari...and she really loved him and all the food he hauled around at nose level.

He kissed it, too, but I didn't get a picture of that.  :)
I definitely just look fat here, but figured I should include evidence that I really went. :)

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