Thursday, June 23, 2011

Well, hello, third trimester.

I was hoping to have some fun 3D/4D ultrasound pictures to add to this post, but alas, that was not meant to be.  We went in yesterday morning for our complimentary 3D/4D ultrasound (that's what the diagnostic imaging place calls them...not sure why, but I'm sure Nate could explain it to you :).  We had the same tech for the fourth time in two pregnancies (the only time we haven't had her was when we had our dating ultrasound early on in this pregnancy).  She's great, and she tried so hard, but Baby just wasn't having it.  He or she was content to stay in a head-in-the-pelvis, nose-smashed-into-the-uterine-wall position.  We did get to watch some fun yawns and such, but in terms of pictures, we came away with four fairly creepy ones, which I will not be posting.  I was just thankful that I didn't dream of alien babies with pig noses last night!  :)

I will be 29 weeks tomorrow, and I really can't believe it.  I am happy to report that the stabbing groin pains have actually gotten better.  (If you prayed for me, thanks!)  I'm tired, but other than that, feeling really good.  I love this point in my pregnancies, and I think it's because the movements are stronger and I love feeling random body parts jutting out.  (I realize I will be changing my tune if Baby starts jabbing me in the ribs or doing some other movement that causes me pain.)  I almost hate to mention this, but so far haven't had any Braxton-Hicks contractions, which I was having constantly by this time with Judson.  They're not painful, just annoying.

Since I can't leave you with any fun baby pictures, you're stuck with pictures of me.  :)

28 weeks this time..and looking like this tank top may not make it for all of my pictures.  Dang!

28 weeks with Judson

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