Thursday, October 6, 2011

Brotherly Love

Judson continues to amaze and bless us with his acceptance of Cooper.  The other day he held her for about fifteen minutes.  Every time I asked him if he wanted me to take her, he'd say, "Judson hold Cooper."  After we took the hands and feet pictures, he'd touch her hand and say, "Tiny hand," and then hold his up and say, "HUGE hand."  So cute.

It's hard to get many good pictures of these moments, mostly because we also have to be watching Cooper's head.  :)

How cute is this outfit?!  He wore it to church on Sunday.  It was one of the first times he's worn pants in months and he really resisted when I was getting him dressed.  He's such a hot-body.  When I picked him up from the nursery at church, his hair was wet with sweat.  Poor guy.  I knew he'd be hot, but want him to wear it as much as possible before he outgrows it.

I'm not sure who I have to thank for teaching him to say, "Cheese."  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love Judson's words... So cute! "Huge hands!" Cooper is such a cutie. I hope I can come meet her soon... Maybe next week? Glad all is well.