Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Announcement

Are you intrigued?! No, I am not pregnant. :)

The big announcement is a sad one for the Moody family. There will be no cider (making) party this year. Our fifth annual cider party will have to wait for next year. While this was a hard decision to make, we just don't have it in us right now. (Last year we had fifty-five people in attendance and I can count at least four new babies born since then...) Nate's been struggling with all sorts of health issues, we've had his dad camping out at our house for two weeks while we try to find him a new apartment, and we're off to Colorado next week to visit one of my aunts who was just diagnosed with terminal cancer and doesn't have long to live.

So, if you've been a faithful attender of our cider parties, I'm sorry about this year. But we WILL host one next year! Feel free to hold us accountable... :)

1 comment:

Joani said...

We've been pretty wiped out this fall, too, although things are slowing down for September. Have a great trip to CO. I'm sorry to hear about you Aunt.