Friday, March 21, 2014


(I got this post ready a week ago and never published it.  Porter has changed so much since then.  Think chubbier. :)

First bottle a few weeks ago.  He GULPED it down...much better than our first attempts with the other two.  Don't know if it's the baby or the new bottle...

Second bottle, since Judson wasn't here for the first one.

Judson sharing all of his "cozies."

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Things I loved in this post:
1. Porter's dino jammies. (Isaac is a little jealous).
2. Three kids on a little play mat (a familiar scene).
3.Judson's muscle shirt and sweat band (awesome on both accounts!).
4. The way Porter is smiling at his big brother (too cute).
5. The annoyed look on the cat's face (as if he knows he was the first baby).

Cute post. Love the pictures!