Friday, May 3, 2013

Our first family bike ride of the year

Okay, this is from a month ago.  Sorry. 

One day before work, Nate told me he wanted to go on a family bike ride that night.  I didn't believe he'd be able to move fast enough after work to get everything loaded and ready.  (Our bikes go on the roof of the Xterra and it's nearly impossible for me to do.  It involves me holding a bike over my head and climbing up a step ladder.  I did it once and don't plan to ever do it again. :)  Well, sure enough, he was motivated and we were ready to go very quickly.  We ate dinner in the car as we drove up to Shelburg Falls (near Silver Falls), about thirty minutes away.

We weren't able to go too far for fear it'd get dark, but since it was mostly uphill, it was quite a workout.  The kids had a blast, and I was so relieved that they were happy to be in such a small space together.  We look forward to many more bike rides in the coming months!

Our outing ended with root beer floats from A&W, which sounds fun in theory, but was not.  Both kids were over-tired and didn't want to share and there was a lot of screaming on the drive home from Stayton...

We stopped at a picnic table to eat the rest of our dinner and Cooper spent most of that time in the trailer.  She loved it!

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