Monday, May 23, 2011

Pregnant me

This pregnancy continues to speed by.  It's making me a little nervous.  Where is Baby going to sleep?  In our room for awhile, I suppose, unless (s)he is as loud as Judson was, but then who knows.  We've still got some things to do...

Everything is right on track health-wise.  I've only had mild heartburn once (instead of nearly every day from 18 weeks on last time).  However, I have this annoying, constant groin pain.  Well, in my inner upper thighs.  Is that my groin?  I think so.  Anyway, it's really not any fun, and I'm pretty sure it's exacerbated by the fact that I am frequently lifting and carrying a thirty-three pound toddler.  I haven't mentioned it to my midwife yet, because I don't think it's anything serious, just something I have to deal with.  I did look it up online and found LOTS of women who have had similar pain.  However, theirs started much later in their pregnancies and mine started at least six weeks ago.  Oh, swell.

I'm really not trying to be a whiner, and I know a lot of women go through a lot worse things than this.  However, even "easy" pregnancies aren't really easy at all.

I'm including two pictures for comparison.  Unfortunately, I don't have a great spot to take pictures this time around.  The wall I stood in front of for Judson's pictures now has pictures of him on it.  :)  They're not flattering pictures; they're for documentation purposes only.  :)

June 2009 - 24 weeks

May 2011 - 24 weeks


JuliAnn said...

Looks like you're right on track! Ugh. I haven't taken a single "look, I'm pregnant" picture this whole pregnancy and Friday will be 30 weeks! Good job, and good job for locating a pic from 24 weeks with Judson! =) So excited to meet your little one! And finding them a place to "sleep" this early on is over-rated anyway! ;) I'm good at making you feel on top of things, aren't I?!? =)

Amy said...

You look super cute!