Tuesday, July 29, 2014

We Share Everything

The kids love this book called We Share Everything.  It's about two kindergarteners (a boy and a girl) who keep fighting over toys and activities.  Every time they do, the teacher says, "Now look.  This is kindergarten.  In kindergarten we share.  We share EVERYTHING."  Finally after hearing this a few times, Jeremiah and Amanda decide to find something to share.  They end up sharing their clothes and their teacher freaks out.  Then they use her quote on her.

One day, after multiple readings, Judson and Cooper got a brilliant idea.  It was pretty funny.  :)

Judson's wearing Cooper's favorite outfit, which she calls her "Bend tank top" and is only worn at home these days.


Unknown said...

They are so adorable! Sweet kids!

Unknown said...

It's me Krista.