Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So I'm a little late with this post, but I know I at least have family members who will appreciate these pictures.  :)

This Easter was definitely different.  It was the first one we haven't spent with the Cowans, Goddards, and Phillips that I can remember.  I mostly just tried not to think about it.

However, it was nice to celebrate Jesus' resurrection with our church family for a change.  We had our service at Mission Mill, so the whole church body could meet together.  Judson and Cooper stayed with us and did so well.

It was FINALLY a sunny day, which was wonderful.  Resurrection Day should always be sunny!
In front of one of the two crosses we "blossomed" as part of the pretty!  These were taken with my phone.  I wanted to at least have something if disaster struck one of the kids' spiffy little outfits.  :)

After church, we headed straight to Vancouver to spend the day with my family, Anna's brother Jake and his girlfriend Shayla, and Jeremy, Jess, Logan, and Max Nelson.  It was very fun, but definitely tiring with five little people (three and under...Logan turned four the following Saturday)!

Here are way too many pictures.  :)

One of my favorites!

So hard to believe that last year Macy was just a little older than Cooper is right now.  (She was a lot easier to take pictures of last year! :)
Let the Easter egg hunt begin!

Found it!



Neither Max nor Macy wanted to be in our picture.  Judson wasn't exasperated, but he sure looks like he was in this shot.  :)

The table looked lovely and dinner was delicious.  My mom outdid herself once again!

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